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UDOT published the Final Alternatives Development and Screening Report on September 6, 2024, which discusses improvements made to the originally proposed alternatives including updated screening results, the criteria and measures used to evaluate each alternative, and the screening results of any new alternatives that were evaluated based on public and agency comment received on the Draft Alternatives Development and Screening Results Report. This report also identifies Alternatives A and C as moving forward for detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS.

Study Overview

The Utah Department of Transportation’s (UDOT) mission is to keep Utah moving while enhancing quality of life through transportation improvements in our state. UDOT is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to improve regional and local mobility at the Interstate 80 (I-80) and SR-224 interchange at Kimball Junction and on SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the Olympic Parkway intersection in Summit County, Utah.

The  purpose of the EIS is to address transportation-related mobility for all users of the Kimball Junction area. The alternatives being carried forward in the EIS include:

  • Taking no action

  • Alternative A: split-diamond interchange and intersection improvements

  • Alternative C:  intersection improvements with pedestrian enhancements

Study Area

The needs assessment evaluation area includes the I-80 and SR-224 interchange at Kimball Junction and SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the two at-grade intersections on SR-224 at Ute Boulevard and Olympic Parkway. The evaluation area also extends from milepost (MP) 143.2 to MP 145.6 on I-80.

Current Phase


We published the Draft Alternatives Development and Screening Results Report (draft screening report) last spring, which included criteria and measures for evaluating each alternative, details of the screening process (how options move forward or are eliminated), and the draft alternatives moving forward.

The Final Alternatives Development and Screening Results Report is now available for review and includes the following new information:

  • Improvements made to the originally proposed alternatives including updated evaluation results
  • Public and agency comments on the draft screening report
  • Screening results of any new alternatives submitted during the comment period on the draft screening report
  • An updated traffic report that includes additional results for the new alternatives that were screened
  • Details of which alternatives are being carried forward for detailed evaluation in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Which alternatives are moving forward for detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS?

Alternative A: Split-Diamond Interchange With Intersection Improvements 

In response to public and agency comments, we improved the design of Alternative A on SR-224 to match the design of Alternative C. Alternative A with the improvements described below is moving forward for detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS.

  • Included three through lanes both northbound and southbound on SR-224 between Olympic Parkway and Ute Boulevard
  • Added a new right-turn lane in the northbound direction at the SR-224/Olympic Parkway intersection and in both the northbound and southbound directions at the SR-224/Ute Boulevard intersection, separating the through and right-turning traffic for those movements. 
  • Added striped and buffered bicycle lanes on SR-224 between the through lane and right-turn lane to provide more formal separation from vehicle travel lanes and greater safety at the two intersections. The buffered bicycle lanes would be striped into the shoulders of SR-224 in both the northbound and southbound directions, and the shoulders would be widened from 8 feet to 10 feet wide to accommodate them.
  • The bicycle lanes run from the south end of the project area at Olympic Parkway, cross Ute Boulevard and the I-80 single-point urban interchange (SPUI), and end at Rasmussen Road on the north end of the project area.

Alternative C: Intersection Improvements With Pedestrian Enhancements

Also in response to public and agency comments, Alternative C has been further improved to include buffered bicycle lanes and as described below is moving forward for detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS.

  • Added striped and buffered bicycle lanes on SR-224 between the through lane and right-turn lane to provide more formal separation from vehicle travel lanes and greater safety at the two intersections. The buffered bicycle lanes would be striped into the shoulders of SR-224 in both the northbound and southbound directions, and the shoulders would be widened from 8 feet to 10 feet wide to accommodate them.
  • The bicycle lanes run from the south end of the project area at Olympic Parkway, cross Ute Boulevard and the I-80 single-point urban interchange (SPUI), and end at Rasmussen Road on the north end of the project area.

Public and Agency Input on the Draft Alternative Screening Results Report and FAQs

After the release of the draft screening results report on February 26, 2024, we collected and reviewed comments from agencies and the public that covered a variety of topics, including new alternatives and variations on the existing alternatives. The comments received during that comment period helped us further refine and improve Alternatives A and C, which are both moving forward for detailed evaluation in the Draft EIS.

A summary of the comments received on the draft screening report–identified by theme with responses to those common questions and comments – is compiled as a list of Frequently Asked Questions and is included in the final screening report.

Next Steps

The Draft EIS will include a detailed evaluation of Alternatives A and C – including the assessment of impacts on land use, neighborhoods, residential and commercial properties, noise, air quality, water resources and floodplains, wildlife and special status species, and the visual setting among other resources.

We anticipate the Draft EIS will be published this winter, which will identify a preferred alternative and include a public comment period and hearing. Following that, we expect to release the Final EIS and Record of Decision in mid-2025.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires the evaluation of a No-Action Alternative to serve as a baseline for comparison of the action alternatives. The No-Action Alternative assumes 2050 traffic conditions without the Kimball Junction Project and will be considered with the two action alternatives in the Draft EIS.

Study Process and Timeline

The anticipated project timeline outlines the development phases of the Kimball Junction EIS. Ongoing engagement with the public will take place during the estimated time periods to keep the community informed during the EIS process.

The study team is following the EIS process established by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This includes:

  • Gathering input from the public, agencies, and other stakeholders.
  • Establishing a purpose and need for the project.
  • Developing a broad range of potential transportation solutions.
  • Evaluating environmental impacts of those proposed solutions.
  • Selecting an alternative that best meets the needs.

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Complete the form below to submit a comment and/or receive project updates. An email address must be provided in order to receive project updates but is not required to submit a comment.

Comments provided to the project team will be reviewed and considered by UDOT as it develops the project. All comments received will be documented in the project record. The study team will contact you if they need additional information or clarification.

Comments provided during the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to UDOT are a matter of public record and subject to public release, if requested. For more information, see the Terms of Use at the bottom of the Utah.gov website.

Comments that are publicly displayed through online tools must follow our UDOT Social Media Policy Participant Code of Conduct. Comments that are unacceptable under that policy may be removed at the administrator’s discretion.

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Contact Us

For more information on the UDOT environmental study underway in the Kimball Junction area and to share your ideas, please contact the project team through one of the ways listed below.

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Mailing Address

Kimball Junction EIS c/o HDR
2825 E Cottonwood Parkway #200
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by UDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated May 26, 2022, and executed by FHWA and UDOT.