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Comment on the Draft EIS, specific to the preferred alternative, the analysis of the potential impacts of the preferred alternative, and the proposed mitigation of the potential impacts. Formal comments must be postmarked or received by April 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. MST.

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to improve transportation-related safety and mobility at the I-80 and SR-224 interchange and on SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the Olympic Parkway intersection. After evaluating the information in this Draft EIS, the project file, and public and agency input to date, UDOT has identified Alternative C: Intersection Improvements with Pedestrian Enhancements as the preferred alternative.

Study Overview

UDOT’s mission is to keep Utah moving while enhancing quality of life through transportation improvements in our state. UDOT is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to improve regional and local mobility at the Interstate 80 (I-80) and SR-224 interchange at Kimball Junction and on SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the Olympic Parkway intersection in Summit County, Utah.

The  purpose of the EIS is to address transportation-related mobility for all users of the Kimball Junction area. The alternatives being carried forward in the EIS include:

  • Taking no action
  • Alternative A: split-diamond interchange and intersection improvements
  • Alternative C: intersection improvements with pedestrian enhancements

Study Area

The needs assessment evaluation area includes the I-80 and SR-224 interchange at Kimball Junction and SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the two at-grade intersections on SR-224 at Ute Boulevard and Olympic Parkway. The evaluation area also extends from milepost (MP) 143.2 to MP 145.6 on I-80.

Current Phase

Revised: 3/14/25

Draft EIS Published and Identifies Alternative C as Preferred Alternative

UDOT has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to improve transportation-related safety and mobility at the I-80 and SR-224 interchange and on SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the Olympic Parkway intersection. After evaluating the information in this Draft EIS, the project file, and public and agency input to date, UDOT has identified Alternative C: Intersection Improvements with Pedestrian Enhancements as the preferred alternative.  

Key features of Alternative C include:

  • I-80 Ramps: Additional lane to the eastbound off-ramp to SR-224 and a dedicated right turn lane to southbound SR-224, and an additional lane on the eastbound on-ramp from SR-224.
  • SR-224 Intersections: Improvements at Ute Boulevard and Olympic Parkway, including added turn lanes, additional through travel lanes, and bike lanes.
  • Roundabout & Local Roads: A second lane was added to the southern approach of Ute Boulevard/Landmark Drive roundabout, and a new lane from SR-224 on Newpark Boulevard to the Olympic Parkway roundabout.
  • Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvements: New east-west pedestrian underpass under SR-224 near Ute Boulevard, new buffered bike lanes from Olympic Parkway to Rasmussen Road, and trail connections to the pedestrian undercrossing.

Benefits of Alternative C:

  • Greatest reduction in travel delay and faster travel speeds in the study area during AM & PM peak periods
  • All intersections in the study area would operate at acceptable levels of service
  • Shortest I-80 off-ramp vehicle queue lengths 
  • More reasonable expenditure of funds for the anticipated operational benefits

PUBLIC HEARINGS                                                .

As part of the Draft EIS process, we will be holding public hearings on April 8 and April 10, 2025, to gather input from the community.

At the in-person hearing, attendees will be able to review study materials, speak with study team members in an open house format, and provide verbal comments to a court reporter, provide a written comment, or make a statement during the hearing. The virtual hearing will be held on Zoom with a presentation followed by a verbal public comment period.

In-Person Hearing

April 8, 2025
Open house: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Presentation: 6 p.m.
Hearing: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Ecker Hill Middle School Auditorium, 2465 Kilby Road, Park City

Virtual Hearing

April 10, 2025
Presentation: 6 p.m.
Hearing: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. (may be extended if the number of speakers warrants)
Via Zoom | Join Here

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD                                    

The community is encouraged to provide input during the public comment period. We are accepting formal comments from March 14 through April 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. MST. We are seeking comments on the Draft EIS specific to the: 

  • Preferred alternative
  • Analysis of the potential impacts of the preferred alternative
  • Proposed mitigation of the potential impacts

Formal comments will be accepted through the following:

Anyone requiring accommodations is asked to notify the study team by April 1 for assistance with the public hearings and by April 21 for assistance with making a comment by calling 435-255-3186 or emailing kimballjunctioneis@utah.gov.

Study Process and Timeline

The anticipated project timeline outlines the development phases of the Kimball Junction EIS. Ongoing engagement with the public will take place during the estimated time periods to keep the community informed during the EIS process.

The study team is following the EIS process established by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This includes:

  • Gathering input from the public, agencies, and other stakeholders.
  • Establishing a purpose and need for the project.
  • Developing a broad range of potential transportation solutions.
  • Evaluating environmental impacts of those proposed solutions.
  • Selecting an alternative that best meets the needs.

Submit Comment


Comment on the Draft EIS, specific to the preferred alternative, the analysis of the potential impacts of the preferred alternative, and the proposed mitigation of the potential impacts. Formal comments must be postmarked or received by April 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. MST.

Complete the form below to submit a comment and/or receive project updates. An email address must be provided in order to receive project updates but is not required to submit a comment.

Comments provided to the project team will be reviewed and considered by UDOT as it develops the project. All comments received will be documented in the project record. The study team will contact you if they need additional information or clarification.

Comments provided during the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to UDOT are a matter of public record and subject to public release, if requested. For more information, see the Terms of Use at the bottom of the Utah.gov website.

Comments that are publicly displayed through online tools must follow our UDOT Social Media Policy Participant Code of Conduct. Comments that are unacceptable under that policy may be removed at the administrator’s discretion.

Website Comments
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File(s) size limit is 20MB.

Contact Us

For more information on the UDOT environmental study underway in the Kimball Junction area and to share your ideas, please contact the project team through one of the ways listed below.

Email Us




Mailing Address

Kimball Junction EIS c/o HDR
2825 E Cottonwood Parkway #200
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by UDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated May 26, 2022, and executed by Federal Highway Administration and UDOT.